July 23, 2013


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Mungkin sebab itu Allah anugerahkan Dia secepat ini.
Allah dah atur semua ini akan terjadi.
Aku redha.
I won't questioned anymore.
I know, I'll get the answer sooner or later. InsyaAllah.

I know I'm not okay.
But I still choose to pretend to be okay.
People are very good at pretending. Don't we?
I don't have to ask more.
I have Allah. I have him. I have my family. I have my adik-adik.
Time will heal. And everything will seem normal as it was.

Allah gives a higher level of tests during Ramadhan.
To prepare us for the post Ramadhan test.
Which might be harder with Syaitan around.
Without those devils during Ramadhan, we should pass the test easier.
Thus, we can be one step higher than others who failed.

p/s: Innallah ma'ana. Sahabat sejati takkan tinggal sahabat

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